Jurnal Teknik Elektro established in 2011 and ISSN : 2089-2950 (print) ISSN : 2715-565X (Online). It is a peer –reviewed international journal to be of interest and use to all those concerned with research in various fields of, or closely related to Electrical or Electrical Engineering. The scope of the journal includes all theoretical findings and new experimental in the field of Electrical Engineering : Power Systems, Signal, System, and Electronics, Communication Systems, Informations Electronic Technology .

Jurnal Teknik Elektro  (JTE) published by the Electrical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, University of Palembang and distributed twice a year (April and November). 
Jurnal Teknik Elektro  (JTE) has been to Sinta 5 starting from Volume 10 Number 1 of 2020.

Published: 2024-04-15